Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ten laws of Ancient Chinese Sex Culture Development

At present many have such an understanding, it seems that in ancient China has implemented a sexual inhibition and sexual closed, while the nature of science is an entirely "import." In fact, if we have to study carefully the history, you will find that China has quite a few thousand years of glorious culture, the institution of marriage, the Housing in the theory,
literature and art, morality, medicine and health are all experienced a first step is As early as the development of a tortuous process, but today, the ancient sexual culture of the people today have a considerable impact. Shanghai Research Center of Sociology of the last two years of ancient Chinese sexual culture have made some studies, the following three to talk about the purpose of our study and found 10 laws.

Our study of ancient sexual culture of the first objective is to understand the past, and thus guide the present and future. Carlo Dorian West, sexologist, said: In order to understand how we, as adults are kind of people, we need to know something about our childhood. Similarly, in order to understand the nature of the position occupied by our culture, we also need to know its historical origins. To do this, it is not easy, because we are vulnerable to "now" the pressure, easy to indulge in the "future" forgotten "in the past."

Looking at the history of China's thousands of years, or look at the beginning of China from the original date, we can say is both a history of development of productive forces, but also a history of development and change. Of each step of the development and changes, without exception, reflecting the profound changes in society. From a matriarchal society to a patriarchal society, from a group marriage, to a single marriage, from sexual liberation to sexual conservatism, sexual closed, the ruling class, voluptuous, women become men's Pocket plaything, love the road was blocked so only through a tortuous way to manifested scientific torch on Chinese soil prematurely ignited on the verge of dying out, but soon after, various forms of sexual attitudes in the conflict, it is unforgettable Embrace in two conditions, heinous crime and evil ... ... all of this, sketched into a complex and diverse, colorful historical picture.

Now, we all understand how much they know how much?

We are the study of ancient sexual culture of the second objective is: to make people a better life. From the original primitive to the modern sex life can be obtained from the great happiness, it seems to be the Creator's great gift, but the sex is a monster, it can give people with great joy, but also give rise to great pain. Ignorance and backwardness, exploitation and oppression hindering the access to sexual pleasure the two enemies. The history of mankind is a history of the pursuit of human emancipation, sexual hair in people's nature as a kind of special needs, and its pursuit of satisfaction, depression and struggle not only for the healthy development of the principal plays a crucial influence and role, but also for the process of human civilization as a whole also plays a very important role in promoting. Concept to think of ancient and modern, that hinder people's access to sexual pleasure the two enemies - ignorance and backwardness, exploitation and oppression, so far how many residual effects of the liberation of humanity in this respect the situation is what happened?

Our study of ancient sexual culture of the third purpose is, how to implement the right of sexual social control. In order to maintain normal social order, this order may be in order to make people happier and normal, it may be to meet the needs of the rulers must be on people's various acts to control and sexual behavior is also controlled by the contents of the 1. Control method is implemented through a collection of specifications or configuration, that is, the so-called system. After long years of human exploration, development, and finalized the marriage as the main control system, that is limited to human sexuality within the marital relationship, and draw on human sexuality 'appropriate and inappropriate, "" right and wrong, "" guilty and not guilty "judgments. These judgments generally include four elements: First, statistical factors, namely, how common a certain behavior; two are biological factors, that act is healthy do; third is moral factors, namely, ethical behavior do; four legal factors, that behavior is legal.

Of course, things are very complex. All societies have various ways of institutionalization, these approaches have in common, there are many diversity. For example, the reproduction of almost all societies are subject to the affirmative, while other aspects of sexual norms and rewards and punishments, there are great differences. Including age differences, class differences, there are more cultural differences. These control way, some are correct, because it is conducive to the healthy development of human nature is conducive to social stability and progress; while others are not correct, its history, causing errors and sins. We are the study of ancient sexual culture, we should learn from the lessons of history to the future of society do a better job of control.

The scope of human sexual culture is very broad, from the vertical side, up and down a few years or even long-term; from a horizontal perspective, involving almost all areas of human life, its content is really ever-changing, complex and diverse history of coat , we can see, the ancient Chinese cultural context could be found there, there are laws to detect, and these laws can be broadly include the following ten aspects:

1, the fundamental driving force of social development lies in the development of production and economic development. What kind of society's economic base, there is what kind of cultural patterns. The development of productive forces changing the relations of production, but also the development and changes in the relations of production determine the relationship between people, including sexual relationships, including changes. For example, the primitive society has gradually taken on the open-ended group to pay more and more strict restrictions on the establishment and development of monogamous marriage, social changes in the way of sexual control, it is the changes in sexual attitudes and so on, and both are social and economic development plays a decisive role in the constraints. Admit that this is a historical materialist conception of history, and other school a fundamental difference.

2, when the human animal born out just out of the implementation of unrestricted intercourse, is far from what the nature of culture. Sexual culture is accompanied by some awareness about human nature (whether they know how superficial and low and error), have some restrictions on sexual behavior (people such restrictions on how small), the result, in primitive societies, The nature of worship, sexual taboos, as well as the emergence of the family by blood, are the starting and budding sex culture.

3, in the stage of ancient Chinese society, sexual culture has branded the mark of class. Cultural diversity has always taken the form of existence in all societies, but the dominant, dominant culture, is always subordinate to the interests and will of the ruler's culture. Ruler's enjoyment of the area of corruption in the performance was dripping to do, it is their exploitation and oppression of the people is an important performance; In order to maintain their exploitation and oppression, they must also implement the broad masses of working people, the harsh control, including right of control, which is manifested mainly sexual inhibition and closed. The implementation of sexual inhibition and sexual close of course there are many kinds of reasons, but simply because the rulers of fear in the population at large the pursuit of happiness and freedom, as well as the liberation of humanity, because it is bound to pursue a comprehensive threat to the rule of the exploiting classes.

4, sex has its social attributes, but also its natural attributes. Regardless of the number of the feudal rulers in order to preach to imprison people's minds, in order to cool method to limit severely the number of people's behavior, people still have a strong interest right on with Zhi love and happiness in marriage hot pursuit, but also for the feudal ethical code and oppression of the unyielding resistance. Therefore, regardless of how the rulers promote "women's book", "female education", tree arch, engage "parents in life. Meishuozhiyan" in private is always through a variety of different forms of praise and the praise of gender equality and free combination of love gone through numerous tests, in the issue of sexual exploitation against the oppression and heroic struggle. Thus formed a kind of different from the dominant culture of the sub-culture, but rather this is the sub-culture represents the ideal of human good and the way forward, and many literary and artistic works is also because they reflect this phenomenon, which forever immortal.

5, at the time of various dynasties in ancient China, some Chinese dynasties of control of a more relaxed, while others are on the nature of dynastic control of the very harsh, and a dynasty that is powerful and self-rule on whether the confidence is the sub - do not open. In China's ancient history, the Tang dynasty was a feudal society of peace and prosperity, unprecedented prosperity, and powerful, the rulers are relatively liberal right of control is very loose. From the Song later, feudal society, from the gloom and doom right of control is becoming more harsh, but by the Ming and Qing them the late end of the world of feudal society, the harsh nature of the control actually to be added to a degree. This is indeed from the nature of civilization look at social control of the degree of civilization. In a powerful, develop brilliant to consolidate the rule of the social, not afraid of criticism, not afraid of opening up, not afraid of people in the pursuit of freedom and happiness, are not afraid of them rebels. On the contrary, a weak, and lack of confidence in society, we must always do everything possible to strengthen controls on the population, including the strengthening of sexual control.

6, women's issues closely related to the sexual culture. This is because sex involves both men and women, while in the male-to private ownership as the characteristics of a class society, women are always in being oppressed and exploited position, become affiliated with the plaything of men, reduced fertility tool. Historically, class oppression and sexual oppression are always closely linked. This is just as Engels said: "individual marriage system in history is by no means as good and between men and women and there, more than as the highest form of this and a good and emerging. On the contrary, it is men as women were enslaved , as a whole prehistoric unprecedented declaration of conflicts arising from gender oppression and sexual repression level. that oppressed them and the four mountains: the throne, clan power, patriarchal, theocratic, in the final analysis is class oppression and sexual oppression. in history on the nature of the liberal clearly manifested in the improvement of women's status; and right of harsh repression, but also clearly demonstrated on the strengthening of women's oppression and false imprisonment. Therefore, human liberation, sexual liberation and the emancipation of women is always interdependent, promote each other, of course, here is the so-called liberation of humanity healthy, civilized manner.

7, sexual attitudes and sexual culture, occupies a special and important position, because the concept of culture as a forged through the psychology of human sexuality has a direct dominant role, while reflecting the different times, different societies in different strata of the class the people's interests, aspirations and requirements. Nature of ancient Chinese cultural history, that is a different sexual attitudes of the history of the struggle, this struggle more to the late feudal society and the end of the world, then the more intense. For example, the Qing Dynasty, sexual oppression is an unprecedented grim, and the new concept of sex is also active in an unprecedented way. The new sexual attitudes of the old idea of the battle when the resort is the new society the old society the time to sing requiem.

8, from the ancient cultural history of view, the nature of scientific development is tortuous. Han and Tang occasion of scientific theory and room by room in the way surgery is more free to develop, this is because it was not harsh on the nature of the control, because this set of two things more in line with the ruling class, the pursuit of pleasure and the pursuit of long life needs. By the late feudal society, sexual control is increasingly harsh restrictions on more and more difficult to develop scientific. At this time, scientific, fangzhongshu This flag can only be closed up and put away, while attached to medical or other sciences, from the "seed" to seek heir, "health" perspective to strive for survival, and then from the survival and development. In this way, it easy to be tolerant rulers before they were easy to overcome resistance to social acceptance. This "curve development" road in the future a fairly long period of time exists to varying degrees.

9, in many dynasties in ancient China, the issue has taken on certain starting a means of coercive state power, but without much success. For example, for prostitution issues, from the Song began a degree of suppression of the Yuan dynasties continued to suppress, the early Qing is with great fanfare, but the more wind the more cut-and prostitution Chi. Another example is suppression of "pornographic book," "obscene painting", but also a "Road Bearing in mind that" situation. Why do so many things are always the sum of the objective effect of the ruling class Jinerbuzhi subjective wishes to the contrary. There are many lessons of history. It seems that many problems can not simply administrative, coercive means to resolve, we must take into account human nature and human needs; on the right look to satisfy the demand, the demand for the deformity should be guided. "Blocking" and "Shu" lessons learned in Yu's flood control have already summed up, but future generations of people for this understanding of the law is not enough. For the absolute nature of the demand to be suppressed if, the result must be strengthened, but also to strengthen the sick.

10, history and culture is a continuity. Today is a continuation of yesterday, history is a mirror of today. Today's social culture can only exist on the basis of yesterday in the development, including the gift of our ancestors, but also their ancestors on us a heavy burden on the blind. In the history of the cultural heritage left to us, both essence there are all sorts of problems, you can find them without the long course of historical development can not be found in the source and found that thread. The study of ancient sexual culture is definitely not in the hair's deep feelings for times past, but after another curved Zhenmang to find the way forward towards a more happy and beautiful on the other side.

In short, our country is a treasure trove of ancient Chinese sex culture, dig it, study it, and concluded it in a day, our research has just begun, to continue in-depth study on China's cultural and scientific development, social progress are very important significance.

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